New jobs
as industry expands

Talent Management – How Can We Attract More People to the Industry?

New jobs are created in the energy transition, which in turn generates many social benefits. The Swedish Wind Energy Association, for example, showed in a survey last Spring that labor is largely expected to be recruited locally or regionally in future wind power establishments.

What are the recruitment needs in the industry right now and what are the most important issues going forward? How do we make sure to utilize the full potential when new jobs are created to attract personnel to investments throughout Sweden? Why are applications for wind power technician training low? What can the industry and higher education institutions do to encourage more people to apply for the courses?

Nyckeltalsinstitutet (The Institute for Key Figures) has appointed Uniper Sweden and the Swedish Defense Materiel Works some of Sweden’s most attractive employers. What is the reason for this and what can the wind power industry learn from these actors?

Lotta Sätterlund
Director of HR, Uniper Sweden
Charlotte Bergqvist, Awarded "Årets kraftkvinna 2022", Kraftkvinnorna / Chief Development Officer, Cloudberry Wind Foto: Cloudberry
Charlotte Bergqvist
Chief Development Officer, Cloudberry Clean Energy
(Photo: Cloudberry Clean Energy)
Ylva Navér
Director of HR and Communications, Swedish Defense Materiel Works